Brave Leadership

The Brave Leadership Reflections, is the quintessential resource for exploring and learning the Core Competencies of Coaching and Leadership.

Dive into our curated content, where you'll find a blend of practical insights, thought-provoking discussions, and actionable strategies designed to enhance your leadership and coaching practices. The articles will also include ICF Core Competency series applied in Leadership, which brings a practical dimension to leadership and coaching. Whether you're seeking to refine your skills, inspire change, or lead with empathy and understanding, the Brave Leadership Reflective articles is your partner in cultivating the brave leader within.

Let’s explore the pillars of effective leadership and coaching, guiding you towards achieving not just professional success, but a profound, positive impact on the lives of those you lead and coach.

  • The journey of brave leadership is paved with moments of choice—between comfort and growth, between the known and the unknown. It's in these moments that true leaders are forged.

    Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS

  • Brave leadership isn't about the absence of fear; it's about the courage to move forward and the wisdom to guide others, even when the path is uncharted.

    Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS

  • Brave coaching teaches us that vulnerability is not a weakness but a powerful bridge to genuine connection, inspiring trust and fostering growth in both leaders and their teams.

    Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS

  • A brave coach sees beyond the surface, reaching into the depths where true potential lies, ready to be awakened and shaped into greatness.

    Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS

The LEAD Coaching Model : Co-Creating Leadership Excellence
Jedidiah Alex Jedidiah Alex

The LEAD Coaching Model : Co-Creating Leadership Excellence

Explore the origins and applications of the LEAD Coaching Model, a groundbreaking framework designed to harness the true potential of leaders across Asia. This model combines decades of coaching expertise with deep cultural understanding, offering a practical, adaptable approach for anyone seeking to enhance their leadership skills and organizational impact.

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Building Bridges of Understanding: Mastering Trust and Safety in Leadership and Coaching
Jedidiah Alex Jedidiah Alex

Building Bridges of Understanding: Mastering Trust and Safety in Leadership and Coaching

In an era where authentic connection forms the backbone of impactful leadership and coaching, the art of Encouraging Openness and Vulnerability stands as a testament to transformative growth. This article delves into the metaphor of the 'Bridge of Respect,' guiding leaders and coaches on fostering environments where trust flourishes, and true change is possible. It explores the essence of creating spaces that invite openness, allowing vulnerability to be not just seen but celebrated as a cornerstone of deep, meaningful connections.

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VIBEE Framework: Deepening Trust and Safety in Co-Creative Coaching
Jedidiah Alex Jedidiah Alex

VIBEE Framework: Deepening Trust and Safety in Co-Creative Coaching

Dive into the heart of co-creative coaching with the VIBEE framework—a transformative journey through Values, Identity, Belief, Experiences, and Environment. Uncover the art and science of deeply understanding clients, fostering an unparalleled coaching relationship built on trust, safety, and profound personal growth.

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Co-Creative Coaching - The Essential Role of Trust and Safety in Exploring the Client's World
Jedidiah Alex Jedidiah Alex

Co-Creative Coaching - The Essential Role of Trust and Safety in Exploring the Client's World

In the heart of transformative coaching lies the indispensable foundation of trust and safety. "Co-Creative Coaching: The Essential Role of Trust and Safety in Exploring the Client's World" delves into how these elements act as the cornerstone for deep, meaningful conversations that pave the way for client discovery and growth. By creating an environment where clients feel genuinely supported and free to express their innermost thoughts, coaches can facilitate a journey of exploration and self-awareness that transcends cultural boundaries and personal limitations. This article invites coaches and leaders to reflect on their practices, incorporating insights from Asian perspectives and practical steps to cultivate these critical competencies in their coaching relationships.

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