VIBEE Framework: Deepening Trust and Safety in Co-Creative Coaching

In the dynamic realm of co-creative coaching, trust and safety are not just foundational—they are transformative. These elements are the bedrock upon which meaningful exploration, growth, and change are built. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) Core Competency 4.1 emphasizes the importance of understanding the client within their unique context, encompassing identity, environment, experiences, values, and beliefs. This article introduces the VIBEE Framework as a powerful tool for leaders and coaches to deepen their understanding and application of trust and safety, illuminating the path toward impactful co-creative coaching relationships.

Each client’s story is a unique tapestry woven from threads of values, identity, beliefs, experiences, and environment—VIBEE is the loom on which transformative coaching is crafted.
— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS

The VIBEE Framework Explained

The VIBEE Framework represents a holistic approach to engaging with clients by exploring five critical dimensions of their context: Values, Identity, Belief, Experiences, and Environment. This framework offers coaches a structured yet flexible method to appreciate the complexities of the client's world, enabling a coaching environment where trust and safety flourish.

Values. Understanding what is fundamentally important to the client reveals their motivations and priorities. Values guide decision-making and behavior, acting as a compass that directs the client's journey.

Identity. A person's sense of self, including how they see their place in the world, significantly influences their actions and interactions. Recognizing a client's identity facilitates coaching interventions that resonate on a deep, personal level.

Belief. Beliefs shape a client's perception of reality, determining what they see as possible or impossible. Exploring beliefs allows coaches to challenge and expand the client's worldview, opening up new avenues for growth.

Experiences. A client's past and present experiences inform their understanding of themselves and their environment. Acknowledging these experiences is crucial for empathy and tailoring coaching strategies that honor the client's journey.

Environment. The physical, social, and cultural context in which a client operates affects their experiences and outlook. Understanding the client's environment enables coaches to consider external influences on the client's life and coaching goals.

The Genesis of the VIBEE Framework

The inception of the VIBEE Framework was born out of a pivotal realization about the essence of connection and understanding in the coaching journey. The concept began with a simple, yet profound question: "How can we 'vibe' better with our clients to deeply understand their context?" This inquiry stemmed from my personal experiences and challenges in coaching, where aligning with the client's wavelength was not always straightforward.

In one of my early coaching encounters, I faced a situation that significantly shaped my approach. I was coaching a client on a topic that was familiar to both of us. Yet, despite the common ground, I found myself struggling to make a meaningful connection. I was viewing their challenges through my own lens, attempting to understand their context from my worldview rather than truly 'vibing' with them. It was a moment of clarity when I realized that even when discussing similar or identical topics, listening and understanding from the client's perspective was paramount. This realization underscored the importance of stepping into the client's world, seeing through their eyes, and feeling through their heart.

Personal Story: A Lesson in Alignment

This realization hit home during a session where the lack of alignment became palpably clear. Despite my best efforts, the connection I sought to establish felt forced and inauthentic. The client's responses were hesitant, and the flow of conversation was stilted. It was a turning point that prompted a deep reflection on how I approached the coaching relationship. I recognized the need for a framework that would not only enable me to align with the client's frequency but also create a space where they felt truly seen and understood. Thus, the VIBEE Framework was conceived as a means to enhance the 'vibe' between coach and client, ensuring a harmonious exchange that fosters trust, safety, and profound understanding.

Values, the compass for both coach and client,
Aligning actions and goals, in commitment defiant.
What holds true importance, where priorities lie,
Unveiling motivations that under the surface fly.

Identity next takes its rightful place,
A sense of self, in time and space.
The roles we embody, the self we perceive,
In the coaching journey, what one can achieve.

Beliefs, the terrain on which we tread,
Shaping perceptions, ahead they lead.
Challenging limits, expanding the mind,
New possibilities and paths to find.

Experiences, the journey thus far made,
Memories and lessons, in the mind’s glade.
They inform and guide the present quest,
In their reflection, growth manifests.

Environment, the context that surrounds,
Influences and impacts, in it we’re found.
It shapes our interactions, our daily scenes,
Acknowledging its role, what truly it means.
— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS

VIBEE Framework and ICF's CC4

The VIBEE Framework directly supports the International Coaching Federation's (ICF) definition of Core Competency 4 (CC4) of cultivating trust and safety. It embodies the essence of partnering with the client to create a safe, supportive environment that allows for free sharing. The framework encourages coaches to:

  • Values. Recognize and honor the client's values, creating a foundation of respect and alignment.

  • Identity. Appreciate the client's identity, ensuring they feel acknowledged and valued.

  • Belief. Explore beliefs with curiosity, fostering an environment where the client feels safe to share and challenge existing perceptions.

  • Experiences. Validate and learn from the client's experiences, enhancing mutual understanding and empathy.

  • Environment. Understand the client's environment, acknowledging its impact and facilitating discussions that respect the client's context.

By applying the VIBEE Framework, coaches can more effectively maintain a relationship of mutual respect and trust, as outlined in CC4. It serves as a practical tool for deepening the coach-client connection, ensuring that the partnership is built on a foundation of genuine understanding and alignment. Through this framework, coaches can create a space where clients not only feel safe to express their innermost thoughts and feelings but are also empowered to explore their world from a place of strength and authenticity.

Implementing the VIBEE Framework

The following 5 practical skillsets can help you implement VIBEE in your coaching conversations, to learn more about the skillsets and further your mastery in coaching, join us in one of our coaching classes:

  1. Deep Listening and Inquiry: Employ deep listening and thoughtful inquiry to explore each dimension of the VIBEE Framework. This approach encourages clients to share openly, fostering a coaching atmosphere ripe for discovery and insight.

  2. Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness: Recognize and respect the cultural underpinnings that influence the client's values, identity, beliefs, experiences, and environment. Cultivating cultural sensitivity enhances trust and strengthens the coaching relationship.

  3. Reflective Practice: Use the VIBEE Framework as a reflective tool, both during and after coaching sessions. Reflecting on how each dimension impacts the client's perspective and coaching journey can reveal opportunities for deeper engagement and transformation.

  4. Co-creative Exploration: Approach each dimension as a co-creative exploration with the client. This collaborative stance invites clients to engage deeply with their own stories, fostering empowerment and self-discovery.

  5. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: As understanding deepens, be prepared to adapt coaching strategies to align with the client's evolving context. Continuous learning about the client and their world supports a dynamic and responsive coaching process.

Advanced Applications

Building upon the foundational principles outlined in the VIBEE Framework, it becomes evident that the art of co-creative coaching is a multifaceted endeavor. The journey towards understanding the client within their unique context is not solely navigated through the exploration of their Values, Identity, Beliefs, Experiences, and Environment. Advanced coaching practices reveal that a deeper, more holistic approach can significantly enrich the coach-client connection. This narrative aims to weave together the threads of advanced thinking that extend beyond the VIBEE framework, offering a tapestry of insights for coaches committed to deepening their practice.

At the heart of this enriched understanding lies Emotional Intelligence (EQ / EI). A coach's mastery in recognizing and navigating emotions paves the way for profound empathy and connection. It is through EI that coaches can attune themselves to the subtleties of the client's emotional landscape, allowing for a nuanced approach to support and guidance. This emotional attunement fosters a coaching environment where clients feel truly understood, not just in the context of their words but in the unspoken emotional undercurrents that influence their thoughts and actions.

Systemic Thinking further expands the coach's horizon, inviting a consideration of the broader systems in which the client operates. This perspective encourages coaches to look beyond the individual, considering how family dynamics, workplace culture, and societal norms influence the client's experiences and choices. By acknowledging these external factors, coaches can better understand the complexities and pressures that shape the client's worldview, providing a richer context for their coaching interventions.

The nuanced dance of Non-Verbal Communication offers another layer of insight into the client's internal world. The ability to interpret the silent messages conveyed through body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice can reveal a wealth of information about the client's feelings and attitudes. This unspoken dialogue often holds the key to deeper understanding, offering clues that might otherwise be missed in the spoken word alone.

Active Experimentation introduces a dynamic element to the coaching process, encouraging clients to step outside their comfort zones. This approach not only fosters personal growth but also provides valuable feedback on how the client's values and beliefs manifest in action. Through these experiments, both coach and client can gain insights into the effectiveness of different strategies, adjusting the course as needed to support the client's journey towards their goals.

The practice of Mindfulness and Presence by the coach ensures a deeply attentive and focused engagement with the client. This state of being fully present enhances the coach's ability to capture the essence of the client's narrative, picking up on subtle cues and patterns. Such attentiveness enriches the coaching conversation, making space for insights that might otherwise remain hidden beneath the surface.

Lastly, the skill of Adaptive Generative Questioning allows the coach to navigate the coaching conversation with agility and sensitivity. By tailoring their questions to the evolving needs and revelations of the client, coaches can delve into areas of significance that emerge naturally during the dialogue. This flexible approach ensures that the exploration remains relevant and deeply connected to the client's current context and aspirations.

Next Steps in Applying VIBEE

In weaving these advanced practices into the fabric of their approach, coaches can offer a more profound and comprehensive support to their clients. This narrative journey, building upon the VIBEE Framework, highlights the rich and dynamic nature of co-creative coaching. It emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, emotional agility, and the willingness to explore the depths of the client's world with curiosity and openness. As we venture further into the art and science of coaching, let these insights guide us towards fostering relationships that are not only grounded in trust and safety but are also vibrant with discovery and transformative growth.

The VIBEE Framework represents a holistic approach to understanding and connecting with clients in a manner that transcends mere conversation. It is a testament to the belief that true alignment in coaching comes from vibing with the client on a deep level, appreciating their unique world through their lens. As we continue to navigate the complexities of human experience and growth, let the VIBEE Framework guide us in fostering relationships grounded in trust, safety, and profound mutual understanding, aligning with the very heart of co-creative coaching.

Reflective Learnings

As you contemplate the integration of the VIBEE framework into your coaching or leadership practice, consider these reflective questions designed to deepen your understanding and application of its principles:

  1. Values: How can you more effectively uncover and align with your clients' core values to drive meaningful change? Reflect on a time when understanding a client's values transformed your coaching approach.

  2. Identity: In what ways can you create a coaching space that honors and explores the multifaceted aspects of your clients' identities? How does acknowledging and leveraging the unique identity of each client enhance the coaching process?

  3. Belief: What strategies can you employ to challenge and expand your clients' beliefs in a supportive manner? Think about a situation where addressing a limiting belief led to a breakthrough for your client.

  4. Experiences: How can you utilize your clients' past and present experiences more effectively as a lens through which to view their current challenges and opportunities? Consider how a deeper dive into a client's experiences has previously enriched your understanding of their perspective.

  5. Environment: What methods can you implement to better understand and incorporate the influence of your clients' environments into your coaching? Reflect on an instance where environmental factors played a key role in your client's coaching journey.

These reflective questions invite you to critically engage with the VIBEE framework and its underlying scientific principles, encouraging a richer, more nuanced application in your coaching relationships. By pondering these questions, you can begin to more fully embrace the complexities of your clients' worlds, fostering transformative growth and deeper connections.

The VIBEE framework teaches us that coaching is not just about reaching destinations but appreciating the landscapes of the human experience along the journey.
— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS


Thank you for embarking on this journey of understanding the profound role of trust and safety in co-creative coaching. Your willingness to explore these essential concepts reflects a commitment to personal and professional growth that truly inspires. Should you wish to delve deeper into these insights or engage with a coach to navigate your own path of transformation, we warmly invite you to register your interest. By clicking on the link below, you open the door to further discovery and the opportunity to enhance your journey with the guidance of a skilled coach.


Building Bridges of Understanding: Mastering Trust and Safety in Leadership and Coaching


Co-Creative Coaching - The Essential Role of Trust and Safety in Exploring the Client's World