Empowering Transformation,
One Conversation at a Time.

Coaching Changes Lives is a leading organisation dedicated to elevating organizational excellence by placing people at the heart of transformation. Our ethos is rooted in the belief that the growth and performance of an organization pivot on the empowerment and development of its people. We collaborate with organizations to cultivate a transformative culture, one where system leadership and team coaching are the cornerstones of strategic evolution.

Our Philosophy

Coaching Changes Lives embraces the profound power of coaching to catalyze seismic shifts in thinking, igniting decisive action and transformative growth. We believe in the ripple effect of empowered minds leading to empowered lives.

Our Co-Creative Approach

The co-creative philosophy stands as a compelling choice for those seeking a coaching approach that is not just eclectic but also deeply reflective and tailored to the unique journey of each individual. Unlike methods that rigidly adhere to a predetermined model, the co-creative approach is fluid, dynamic, and responsive to the nuances of each coaching relationship.

Excogitative Conversations

At the heart of the co-creative philosophy is the principle of excogitation—encouraging deep thinking and exploration. Coaching conversations underpinned by this philosophy are characterized by curiosity, inquiry, and reflection. Coaches and clients engage in a thought-provoking dialogue that challenges assumptions, explores possibilities, and fosters creative solutions. This reflective process not only leads to greater self-awareness and insight for the client but also promotes a more profound and transformative coaching experience.

Eclectic Nature

Co-creative coaching is inherently eclectic, drawing from a broad spectrum of disciplines, philosophies, and methodologies. This diversity ensures that coaching conversations are not confined to a single perspective or approach. Instead, they are enriched by a multitude of insights, tools, and techniques that can be adapted to suit the specific needs, goals, and contexts of each client. This flexibility allows for a more personalized and effective coaching experience, where strategies are not imposed but are organically developed in partnership with the client.

Overview of the Complete MCCC Experience

Mastery in Co-Creative Coaching Conversations delves into the art and science of engaging in dialogues that are truly collaborative, where leaders and coaches work alongside their clients to co-create results, discover insights, forge solutions, and catalyze growth. This nuanced approach to coaching goes beyond traditional directive methods, emphasizing a partnership where both coach and client contribute equally to the conversation's depth and direction. Such mastery is about creating an environment where genuine understanding and innovative solutions flourish through shared exploration, mutual respect and honour.

In today's complex and dynamic landscape, this level of skill in co-creative conversations is especially crucial for leaders and coaches. It equips them to more effectively navigate the myriad challenges and opportunities they face, fostering a culture of open dialogue, mutual trust, and collective problem-solving. For organizations and individuals alike, the ability to engage in such enriching conversations can lead to more adaptive teams, stronger relationships, and a more inclusive approach to leadership and development. Mastering co-creative coaching conversations is, at its core, about enhancing connection and understanding, laying the groundwork for sustainable growth and transformative change in a professional setting.

The Mastery in Co-Creative Coaching Conversations (MCCC) program is a comprehensive journey designed to develop and refine the skills of aspiring and experienced coaches through three progressively advanced levels of mastery. Each level is thoughtfully crafted to build upon the last, ensuring a deep and nuanced understanding of co-creative coaching principles and practices.

“Mastery in Co-Creative Conversations is not about having all the answers; it's about fostering a dialogue where wisdom can emerge from every voice at the table. It's a symphony of insights, a dance of ideas, and the shared journey of discovery that reveals the masterpiece within each interaction.”

— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC

Level 1 - Certified Co-Creative Professional Coach (CCPC) Overview

The CCPC level 1 is a foundational journey designed to immerse participants in the essential principles of co-creative coaching. It focuses on cultivating core skills such as active listening, powerful questioning, and adherence to foundational coaching ethics. Participants are guided to master the art of facilitating empowering conversations, enabling clients to delve into their thoughts, feelings, and actions within a collaborative and nurturing environment. This level lays the groundwork for a deeper understanding and application of co-creative techniques, setting the stage for transformative coaching practices.

The program has 4 Core Modules:

Core 1: Good to Great Coaching

Core 2: Co-Creative Coaching Conversations

Core 3: The Deep Dive – Evoking Awareness

Core 4: Leap! Transforming Insights to Actioning

Level 2 - Transformative Co-Creative Professional Coaching (TCPC) Overview

The TCPC level 2 is specifically designed for deepening PCC level coaching behavioural skillsets, refining the art of coaching into a transformative practice. This stage of the program builds upon the foundational skills from Level 1, steering participants toward advanced mastery in line with the high standards expected of a Professional Certified Coach. Coaches at this level learn to navigate complex coaching dynamics with sophistication, encouraging significant shifts in clients' perspectives and behaviors that align with profound personal and organizational growth. 

The program has 4 Core Modules:

Core 5: Advance Co-Creative Coaching Conversations

Core 6: The Point of Difference – Thoughts, Emotions, Behaviors

Core 7: Transformative Coaching – Whole of Person Approach

Core 8: The Habit of Change – Sustainable Growth and Performance States

Level 3 - Virtuoso Co-Creative Professional Coaching (VCPC)

VCPC Level 3 is the culmination of a coach's journey towards achieving the highest level of mastery in the ICF coaching competencies, particularly aiming at the Master Certified Coach (MCC) standards. This mastery level is designed for those who aspire to not just excel in their coaching practice but to truly innovate and lead in the field. The program focuses on skilling you at the MCC level skillsets. The VCPC program invites participants to transcend traditional coaching methodologies and embrace a virtuoso's creativity, intuition, and insight, encouraging groundbreaking work in their clients' lives, bringing out who the coach is and adapting coaching styles to each client’s unique map of the world.

The program has 4 Core Modules:

Core 9: Coaching Intelligence Mastery

Core 10: Flow and Masterful Coaching

Core 11: Axiomatic Coaching Conversational Artistry

Core 12: Virtuoso Conversations

Co-Creative Circle

The Co-Creative Circle is the Community of Coaching Changes Lives which stands as a vibrant and supportive network, dedicated to fostering growth, both personally and professionally, among its members. At the heart of our community is a shared commitment to the transformative power of coaching and a collective pursuit of excellence in the practice. 

Being a part of the Coaching Changes Lives community means being part of a dynamic and supportive network dedicated to empowering each other to reach new heights as individuals and as coaches. Together, we are not just changing lives through coaching; we are also transforming our own, continually growing, learning, and evolving in our shared journey towards coaching excellence.

Real-World Application and Support

Understanding the challenges of applying coaching skills in real-world settings, our community emphasizes practical application and provides support for members to navigate these complexities. Through case studies, discussion forums, and collaborative projects, members can explore the application of coaching principles in various contexts, gaining practical insights and confidence.

A Collaborative Ecosystem

Our community is built on the principles of collaboration, mutual support, and continuous learning. Members, ranging from aspiring coaches to seasoned professionals, come together to share insights, experiences, and best practices. This rich tapestry of perspectives not only enriches our collective knowledge but also strengthens the bonds within our community, creating a nurturing environment where every individual feels valued and supported. Our Global Community initiatives such as Global Coaching Labs, Conversations That Matter, Coaching Circle all provide a space for leaders and coaches to thrive.

Are you ready to make an impact through coaching? Speak to one of our team members and get started on your professional coaching journey!

In the tapestry of co-creative conversations, each thread of dialogue weaves a pattern of collective understanding. Mastery lies not in the loudest voice, but in the profound silence that listens, the space that holds potential, and the respect that nurtures wisdom from the confluence of diverse thoughts.
— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC