The LEAD Coaching Model : Co-Creating Leadership Excellence

LEAD Coaching Model - The Genesis

LEAD Coaching in Organisation

In the heart of Asia's bustling crossroads, where tradition meets modernity, the LEAD Coaching Model was born. It wasn't an overnight revelation, but a meticulous crafting, an amalgamation of over 15 years of rich experiences and close partnerships with leaders across the diverse tapestry that is the Asian market. This model stands as a testament to what tailored coaching truly requires in a region as multifaceted and vibrant as ours. The Asian market place is complex, rich in history and tradition, nuanced, colourful and filled with amazing stories and people. To lead a team in such a diverse landscape requires a rethinking about our approach and our philosophy towards leadership and organisation development. This model isn't just a framework; it’s a reflection of an in-depth understanding of what truly resonates in the Asian market.

The genesis of the LEAD Coaching Model is deeply rooted in the desire to address a gap long identified but seldom bridged—the need for a coaching framework that resonates with the unique cultural, ethical, and aspirational nuances of the Asian leadership landscape. The inspiration was clear: to create a model that does not merely transplant Western ideals but one that grows organically from the fertile soils of Asia's wisdom and practice. In my interaction with friends and leaders from around the region, there is a growing voice of wanting to bring their rich cultural tapestry to the world stage. Isn’t it time for Asia to rise up and provide leadership even in the space of organisational learning and development.

In my journey traversing through the bustling cities of ASEAN, the meticulous and demanding environments of Singapore, the heartwarming localities of Taiwan, and the disciplined corporate halls of Japan, a common thread began to weave itself into the narrative. Leaders and organizations voiced a need for something more grounded, a practical tool that was simple to apply yet rich with depth. They yearned for a framework that mirrored their ethos—a blend of respect for hierarchy, collective harmony, and visionary foresight.

I listened intently to the concerns of SMEs and MNCs alike, as they expressed their reservations about Western models that often failed to fully integrate into their organizational DNA. The clamor was for a model that was versatile and universally applicable within their diverse workforce while maintaining the essence of their regional identity.

Thus, the LEAD Coaching Model emerged, embodying the action and spirit of leadership that is intrinsic to every level of an organization. LEAD stands not just as an acronym but as a beacon calling every team member to embrace the mantle of leadership—Lead Outcomes, Examine, Explore and Evoke, Aligned Insights, and Decide and Act.

At the heart of LEAD coaching lies the commitment to co-create a future where leadership is not just a position, but a practice embraced at every level of an organization.
— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS
LEAD Coaching Model by Jedi

LEAD Coaching Model - An Overview

The LEAD Coaching Model both an acronym for the coaching process and an actionable verb to indicate the posture of the leader as they embrace LEAD Coaching for their team and organisation. Here is an overview of the process.

Lead Outcomes is about setting intentions that not only reflect organizational goals but also resonate personally with each team member, no matter where they stand in the corporate hierarchy. It is a celebration of individual contribution to collective success.

Examine, Explore and Evoke honors the rich narrative of each individual, delving into personal and shared histories to draw out insights that are both profound and transformative.

Aligned Insights bridge cultural understanding and strategic implementation, recognizing that insight without action is like a vessel without a rudder—directionless.

Finally, Decide and Act empowers each person to make decisions that are catalytic, that propel both their personal growth and the organization's vision.

LEAD Coaching the Posture of the Leader in Co-Creating Sustainable Change in their Teams and Organisation.
— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS
LEAD with Coaching Model by Jedidiah Alex Koh

The State of Learning & Organizational Development in Asia

When considering the application of LEAD Coaching model, we need to consider the state of learning within the Asian context. Learning and Organizational Development (L&OD) in Asia has been rapidly evolving to meet the global standards of training and professional development. However, there remains a gap in many L&OD initiatives, which often overlook the necessity of integrating local cultural dynamics into the training programs. Traditional Western models, while robust, frequently fail to address these cultural specifics, leading to a disconnect between the intended outcomes of L&OD programs and their actual effectiveness on the ground.

Organizations across Asia are increasingly aware of the need for development frameworks that are not only globally competent but are also adaptable to the local cultural context. There is a growing demand for strategies that are custom-tailored to the nuances of regional markets—strategies that facilitate leadership development, succession planning, and talent retention within the cultural framework of each locale.

Why LEAD Coaching Model is the Choice for Asian Markets

The LEAD Coaching Model emerges as a practicable choice in this scenario. Designed with an intrinsic understanding of the Asian leadership ethos, LEAD—Lead Outcomes, Examine, Explore and Evoke, Aligned Insights, and Decide and Act—provides a systematic approach to developing leaders who can navigate the complexities of both global and local markets.

Lead Outcomes ensures that leaders set goals that are not only strategic but also culturally congruent, fostering a sense of ownership and alignment within diverse teams.

Examine, Explore and Evoke encourages a deeper understanding of individual and collective motivations, helping leaders to tap into the core strengths and potential of their teams, which is particularly important in high-context cultures found throughout Asia.

Aligned Insights bridges the often fragmented understanding between Western business strategies and Eastern cultural values, creating a cohesive strategy for organizational development.

Decide and Act empowers leaders to make informed decisions that respect both global business practices and local wisdom, ensuring that actions and outcomes are relevant and impactful.

A Real-World Application: Transformational Coaching in an Asia

One of the most illustrative examples of the effectiveness of the LEAD Coaching Model comes from my experience with a client, who is the managing director of a global supply chain company. Despite their extensive resources and dedicated training programs, they faced persistent challenges in integrating effective coaching practices across their diverse teams.

During one of our strategy sessions, the director shared, "We know coaching is crucial, but it feels like we're just going through the motions. There's a disconnect between our leaders and their teams, and it's starting to reflect in our performance metrics. They lack a sense of active ownership." This wasn't just a structural problem; it was a cultural and perceptual challenge that needed addressing from the ground up.

I introduced the LEAD Coaching Model as a foundational tool, emphasizing that effective coaching begins with the right mindset and philosophy. "Let's start with 'Lead Outcomes,'" I suggested. "Define what success looks like not just from a corporate perspective but in a way that resonates personally with each team member. This alignment is where powerful coaching begins."

We spent several sessions working through the LEAD framework, starting with mindset adjustments before moving to practical applications:

  • Lead Outcomes. We clarified the goals of coaching within their organization, ensuring these were aligned with both corporate objectives and individual aspirations.

  • Examine, Explore and Evoke. Leaders and high potentials were trained, mentored and coached to delve deeper into understanding the unique cultural and personal dynamics of their team members. This phase was crucial in cultivating empathy and genuine connections.

  • Aligned Insights. We developed strategies for coaches to integrate their insights with organizational needs, creating coaching plans that were both actionable and measurable.

  • Decide and Act. Finally, their leaders were empowered to make informed decisions and take decisive actions that fostered growth and accountability within their teams.

Several months into implementing this model, the director reported a significant shift. "Our coaching sessions have become more meaningful. There’s a noticeable increase in engagement and enthusiasm across the teams. It’s like we’ve unlocked a new level of potential. Though there is still much to do, but there is a tangible difference."

The Pragmatic and Practicable functions of the LEAD Coaching Model

The LEAD Coaching Model isn’t a magic pill, it requires patience, effort, customisation and a buy in from top down and bottom up to achieve a whole of organisation development of a coaching culture. However, what LEAD Coaching Model does, is it makes complex, simple, by making the conversations between leaders and their team more natural, more engaging, more intuitive.

Team members can sense when we are putting on a pseudo front or ‘trying to coach’ them. People relate best when we are having an authentic genuine conversation. And that’s the heart and core of the LEAD Coaching Model.

From Insights to Codification

The LEAD Coaching Model is my insights codified into a process interlaced with the narratives of the countless leaders I've had the privilege to work with. It is a narrative that continues to evolve, shaped by the collective wisdom and the vibrant spirit of Asia's leadership. As we co-create leadership excellence, we do so knowing that the LEAD Coaching Model is more than a framework—it's a movement, one that champions the Asian market's distinct path to success and fulfillment.

As Asia continues to rise as a powerhouse on the global stage, the need for leadership models that resonate with the local realities of its market has never been more crucial. The LEAD Coaching Model stands out as a framework that not only meets these needs but also elevates the standards of leadership and development. It is not just a model but a movement towards creating a generation of leaders who are as globally savvy as they are locally grounded—leaders who are truly equipped to co-create excellence in every sphere of their influence.

The essence of the LEAD model is transformation—not just of individuals, but of entire organizations, one authentic conversation at a time.
— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS

Copyright Notice

The LEAD Coaching Model, including all associated materials, methodologies, and concepts, is the intellectual property of Jedidiah Alex Koh, created in 2018, and last updated in 2024. All rights are reserved. The contents of the LEAD Coaching Model are legally protected by copyright under Singapore and International copyright laws. Unauthorized use, duplication, distribution, or modification of this material, whether partial or whole, without express written consent from Jedidiah Alex Koh is strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal action. Only authorised and accredited LEAD Coaching Practitioners and Trainers are permitted to use the LEAD Coaching Model to support their clients.

Take the Lead with LEAD - Start Your LEAD Coaching Journey Today!

If this article resonates with you, would you like to take the next steps forward?

Are you ready to revolutionize the way leadership and coaching are perceived and practiced within your organization? Whether you are looking to integrate the LEAD Coaching Model into your company's development program or eager to harness its principles for your personal coaching practice, I am here to facilitate your journey.

The LEAD Coaching Model is more than just a methodology; it's a transformative tool that adapts to both seasoned coaches and those new to the field. It's designed to empower you and your team to not only achieve goals but to redefine what leadership means in your unique context.

If you're interested in bringing LEAD coaching to your organization or if you want to develop your capabilities as a LEAD coach practitioner, educator, or if you want personal leadership coaching for you and your teams, don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can curate a coaching and learning solution that meets your needs, respects your cultural context, and delivers tangible results.

Contact us today to discover how the LEAD Coaching Model can make a difference in your professional landscape. Whether it's through a detailed consultation, tailored workshops, or a direct coaching engagement, we're ready to assist you in braving your story of leadership excellence.


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