Brave Coaching

Brave Your Story
Live Your Best Life Today!

Coaching is a transformative journey, a patient voyage where clarity and self-awareness flourish. Within these conversations, magical moments unfold, giving birth to insights that evolve into resolute actions, propelling you to embrace your unique narrative with unwavering courage.

Welcome to a treasury of wisdom – a collection of articles, learnings, insights, ideas, and reflections thoughtfully curated to empower leaders, coaches, and individuals to boldly shaping their own stories.

In Brave Coaching, I share my thoughts, frameworks and models to inspire the future of coaching and enable each person to live their BRAVE story authentically.

Enter Brave Your Story (BYS), a Visionary Conversation Leadership System designed and brought to life by Jedidiah Alex Koh. Being a practitioner of BYS means living authentically, unapologetically, fearlessly. It's about embracing life with courage and unwavering boldness.

“Brave coaching is the art of daring to venture beyond comfort zones, both for the coach and the client. It's about facing challenges head-on, unlocking potential, and charting a course towards unprecedented excellence. In this journey, courage is our compass and transformation our destination”

— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC BYS

How to effectively use the SMART Goals in Coaching?

How to effectively use the SMART Goals in Coaching?

SMART goals are a popular framework used in coaching to help clients set and achieve their objectives effectively. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The framework provides a structured approach to goal-setting that helps to clarify goals and break them down into manageable steps.

The Specific element of the SMART framework means that goals should be well-defined and clear. This requires that the goal is stated in precise terms that are easy to understand. Measurable goals allow coaches and clients to track progress and determine if they are on track to achieving the desired outcome. Achievable goals require realistic expectations and an understanding of what can be achieved within a specific timeframe.

The Relevant component of the SMART framework requires that goals are aligned with the client's broader objectives and purpose. This ensures that the goal is significant and valuable to the client. Finally, Time-bound goals require a specific timeframe for completion, which provides motivation and accountability for the client.

By using the SMART framework in coaching, coaches can help their clients achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. The framework allows for a more structured approach to goal-setting, which can increase motivation and engagement in the process. Ultimately, SMART goals help clients to stay on track and achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

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