Echoes from the Well: Froggy’s Journey of Discovery - Worlds within Worlds

The Whisper of the Well

In the heart of a vast forest, where the trees stretched skyward and the air hummed with the secrets of nature, there lay a secluded well. Overgrown with moss and bordered by ferns, this was no ordinary well. It was a portal to another world—a world that belonged to Froggy, a small green frog with a heart as deep as the well itself.

Froggy’s world was simple yet profound, defined by the gentle drip of water, the chorus of crickets at night, and the dance of sunlight through the leaves by day. Here, in the solitude of his watery home, Froggy sang songs of the wind and the earth, his voice echoing off the ancient stones, weaving a melody that spoke of contentment and peace.

But what happens when the echo of a distant world beckons? When the simple joy of solitude is challenged by the allure of the unknown? This is the tale of Froggy the Frog—a story of curiosity and courage, of discovery and return. It’s a journey that explores not just the world beyond the well, but the deeper worlds within—worlds of dreams, fears, and desires, where the truest adventures unfold.

Join Froggy as he leaps out of his comfort zone and into the vastness of the forest and beyond, meeting friends who will challenge his views, stir his heart, and lead him on a path that will transform not just how he views the world, but how he sees himself.

As you follow his journey, you may find that Froggy’s story mirrors your own—each leap a step in the dance of life, each song a note in the symphony of self-discovery. This isn’t just Froggy’s tale; it’s an invitation to look deeper into your own story, to brave the depths of your world within a world.


Froggy and the Well by Jedidiah Alex Koh - A retelling of a classic story

Froggy’s Life in the Well

In the heart of a dense, verdant forest, hidden among whispering winds and rustling leaves, lay a secluded well. This was the home of Froggy, a small, green frog with eyes like glossy sapphires and a croak as melodious as the forest's murmurs. The well, covered in emerald moss and veiled by ferns, was a world unto itself—a microcosm of peace and simplicity.

Froggy’s days were rhythmed by the gentle drip of water from the mossy stones above, each drop a note in the symphony of his serene life. The cool, clear water was his playground and sanctuary, where he swam and leapt with joyful ease. Sunbeams pierced through the leafy canopy overhead, casting golden spears into the water, turning dull rocks into glittering jewels.

Life in the well was a meditative routine of sunbathing on his favorite rock, catching the occasional unsuspecting fly, and crooning tunes that echoed into the night. Froggy loved the echo; it made him feel like he was part of something larger than his small world. Every evening, as stars peppered the sky above, he’d sing to the moon, his voice a blend of hope and contentment.

Encounter with Bunny

Frog and the Well with Bunny - Brave Your Story Jedidiah Alex Koh

One crisp morning, when the dew still clung to the cobwebs and the air smelled of earth and renewal, Bunny appeared. She was a sprightly little thing, with fur as soft as the clouds and a twitching nose that spoke of her keen curiosity.

“Hello down there! Why do you hide in this dark, damp place?” Bunny called out, her voice a lilting melody that contrasted the deep, rich croaks of Froggy.

“This is my home, my haven,” Froggy replied, puzzled by her question. “Here, I sing, I feast, I am happy.”

“But there's a vast world out here,” Bunny insisted, her eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and wisdom. “A world of endless skies, towering trees, and adventures that stretch beyond the horizon. Don’t you wonder what lies out there?”

Froggy, whose knowledge of the world had been limited to the walls of his well, felt a spark of curiosity flicker within him. Bunny’s words painted pictures of a world teeming with wonders and mysteries waiting to be discovered. Could there really be more to life than his peaceful existence?

Moved by a sudden impulse, Froggy decided to follow Bunny. He wanted to see the world she described, to hear its sounds and breathe its air. With a powerful leap, he propelled himself out of the well and landed on the soft, dewy grass—a world away from his watery home.

The forest greeted him with a cacophony of sounds and an explosion of scents. Every leaf seemed to flutter just for him, every breeze carried tales of distant lands. Bunny, delighted by his decision, hopped ahead, her white tail a beacon in the lush green.

Together, they ventured deeper into the forest. Froggy’s heart thumped with exhilaration with every new sight and sound. The world was indeed vast, and he was but a small frog with a giant leap of faith.

Exploration of the World

Frog exploring the wonders of the World - Brave Your Story

Froggy’s escape from the confines of his well had catapulted him into a realm of unending marvels. Each morning, as he awoke beside Bunny on the soft, dewy grass, the world seemed to invite him to dance in its vastness. Their first stop was often the forest’s edge, where the dawn light played shadow games among ancient oaks and whispered secrets through leaves.

The air was different here; it was alive with the symphony of life. Birds sang from hidden perches, their melodies weaving through the branches. Squirrels darted about with playful abandon, their chatter adding to the forest’s cacophony. Froggy, with eyes wide and heart open, tried to absorb every detail, every sound.

As Bunny guided him further, they explored a meadow that seemed to stretch towards infinity. The grass tickled his underbelly, a sensation so delightfully unfamiliar that Froggy couldn’t help but laugh—a croaky, joyous sound that mingled with the rustling of the grass. Here, the sky was an uninterrupted canvas of blue, vast and imposing.

In this meadow, Froggy encountered a kaleidoscope of butterflies. They fluttered around him, their wings thin veils of color in the sunlight. He reached out to touch one, and its delicate wings beat against his fingers, the sensation ethereal and fleeting. Bunny explained that each butterfly had journeyed great distances, each flap a tiny triumph against the winds. Froggy felt a kinship with these creatures, their resilience mirroring his own budding adventures.

Their journey took them next to a lively stream, where water bubbled over stones worn smooth by time. Froggy dipped a foot into the water, marveling at its clarity and the coolness that seeped into his skin. He watched as minnows darted through the water, their movements swift and precise. The stream taught him about persistence; it flowed regardless of obstacles, always finding a way around, over, or through.

At the playground, children's laughter filled the air, a reminder of carefree joy. Froggy watched in amazement as kids swung high into the air, their legs pumping, faces lifted towards the sky, embracing the thrill of the wind against their faces. The simple machinery of the playground—seesaws, slides, and merry-go-rounds—fascinated him. Each piece offered a different kind of movement, a different way to explore the physical joy of being.

The Desire for More

Froggy Experiencing the World

But as the novelty of each experience began to fade, a restlessness took root within Froggy. The vastness of the world, once exhilarating, now seemed daunting, an endless series of destinations he couldn’t possibly reach. His dreams expanded with every new horizon, but satisfaction eluded him.

His encounter with an airplane became a pivotal moment. Lying on his back in a field, watching it slice through the clouds, Froggy felt an ache of longing. The plane represented the ultimate freedom—the ability to traverse vast distances, to see the world from above, to escape the bonds of the earth.

This desire consumed his thoughts. He visited airports, where the roar of engines and the sleek, darting forms of airplanes intensified his yearning. He spoke to pilots, who told tales of skies painted with sunsets and cities that twinkled like stars. Each story fanned the flames of his longing.

He befriended an old, wise owl, who spoke of the world from a bird’s perspective. “To fly is to see the world as a tapestry,” the owl explained, his voice a soothing whisper. “Every thread is a road, every knot a city, and every color a different landscape.” These conversations filled Froggy’s nights with dreams of flight, each more vivid than the last.

But with his dreams came a shadow, a realization that with each step forward, he was losing touch with the part of himself that had once found joy in the simple drip of water in his well. He started to feel a disconnect, a sense that the vast world he longed to be part of was slipping through his fingers like the minnows in the stream.


Realization and Reflection

Reflection of the Frog

Despite the breadth of experiences and the vast expanses he had explored, a profound sense of emptiness began to eclipse Froggy’s enthusiasm. He found himself atop a hill one evening, watching the sunset spill its colors across the sky, a spectacle that once would have filled him with wonder. Now, it made him feel distant, detached not just from the scenes around him but from himself.

As he sat there, the wind carrying whispers of the world below, Froggy reflected on his journey. Each adventure, each new sight and sound, seemed to have stretched him further away from his essence. The thrill of discovery had morphed into a quiet ache, a yearning for something more foundational than the ephemeral joys of exploration.

He thought of the well—his well. It was a small, constrained space, yet it had been his universe, complete with its simple, predictable joys. He remembered the secure feeling of its damp walls, the reliable echo of his croak against the stone, and how these had grounded him in a way the vast world could not.

A realization dawned on Froggy: what he missed was not just the physical space of the well, but the feeling of belonging, of being utterly and truly himself. The world offered endless horizons, but it was in the confines of his simple well that he had known who he was. This was his truth, one that no flight across the skies could give him.

Brave Your Story - The Poem of the Frog in the Well (Jedidiah Alex Koh)

Return to the Well

With a heart heavy yet hopeful, Froggy decided it was time to return to the well. He was unsure of what others might think of his return. Would they see it as a failure? His journey outward had been marked by the search for more, but his journey home was driven by the search for meaning.

As he approached the well, the familiar sights and sounds wrapped around him like a warm embrace. The smell of moss, the cool dampness of the air, the steady drip of water—all welcomed him back. Descending back into the well was like slipping into an old, cherished garment that had been tailored just for him.

The first thing he did was sing. His croak, perhaps a bit deeper now, filled the well, bouncing off the walls with a richness that surprised him. It was as if the well itself was responding, acknowledging his return. Froggy felt a surge of joy, pure and untroubled by the desires that had once pushed him outward. Here, in this limited space, he found the limitless depth of his own spirit.

His return was not an end but a beginning. It marked the start of a new chapter, one of deep appreciation for his place in the world—his true place. Froggy understood now that bravery did not only mean exploring the world but also having the courage to return and embrace one’s own story, however simple it might seem to others.

Frog in the Well as Told by Jedidiah Alex Koh - a retelling


Worlds Within Worlds

In Froggy’s journey, the external world offered a kaleidoscope of experiences, each new landscape brimming with its own colors, sounds, and life. Yet, as rich and varied as these external worlds were, they paled in comparison to the intricate worlds within each being he met along the way.

Consider Bunny, with her sprightly spirit and curious eyes. Her world was one of endless horizons, a tapestry woven from threads of adventure and discovery. She saw each day as a new page in an unending storybook, each character a new friend with a tale to tell. Her world was vibrant and ever-expanding, a reflection of her boundless zest for life.

Then there was the wise old owl, perched high in his tree, watching the world with eyes that missed nothing. His inner world was a quiet, reflective place, layered with decades of knowledge and observation. It was structured, almost methodical, with each thought carefully placed like books on a shelf. In his world, wisdom came from stillness and observation, not from the chase.

And what of the playful squirrels, scampering with abandon through the trees? Their world was a whirl of motion, a maze of branches and leaves. To them, life was a playground, each day a game to be played with joyous disregard for tomorrow. Their inner world was a burst of giggles and whirls, a place where every moment brimmed with the promise of fun.

As Froggy ventured further, he met creatures whose worlds were painted with strokes of fear and caution, others with bold lines of confidence and dominance. Each creature, each person he encountered, carried a unique world within them—complex and simple, structured and chaotic, whimsical and serious.

This mosaic of inner worlds taught Froggy an invaluable lesson: just as he had learned to navigate and appreciate the vast external world, so too could he learn to honor and navigate the multifaceted worlds within those he met. Understanding that each individual perceives and interacts with the world in uniquely personal ways opened Froggy’s eyes to the rich diversity of life. It made him realize that empathy and respect for these differences are crucial in truly connecting with others and understanding oneself.

This exploration of worlds within worlds suggests that honoring each person’s map of the world—recognizing and valuing their unique perspectives and experiences—is not just an act of kindness but a profound engagement with the complexity of life itself. It teaches us that the journey to understanding is endless and that each individual’s world, no matter how different, has its own beauty and logic.

As Froggy returned to his well, he carried with him not just his own insights but a deeper appreciation for the worlds carried in the hearts of those he had met. Each world, like each well, had depths to be explored and treasures to be discovered.

Froggy Worlds within Worlds - By Jedidiah Alex Koh


Reflecting on Our Journey

As we draw the curtains on Froggy’s tale, his return to the well isn't just a conclusion, but an invitation. It’s a gentle nudge for each of us to ponder on our own journeys. Think of this not as an ending, but as a moment to pause and reflect alongside Froggy.

What do Froggy's adventures evoke in you? Can you see parts of your story mirrored in his? Perhaps, like Froggy, you’ve ventured far in search of something—chasing dreams, aspirations, or perhaps answers. And in your journey, you’ve encountered crossroads, each path promising its own set of challenges and rewards. What has been your well? Is it a place, a passion, a pursuit, or someone you return to for comfort and clarity?

Imagine sitting by that well with Froggy, sharing stories of adventures and insights gained along the way. What would you tell him about the landscapes you’ve traversed in your heart and mind? How have these journeys shaped your understanding of bravery?

In Froggy’s story, we see that braving your story isn’t about relentless pursuit outward, but about a deeper exploration inward. It’s about recognizing when the horizons you chase might be leading you away from your essence, and having the courage to pivot back towards what genuinely fulfills you.

This isn’t about teaching or prescribing a way to live. Rather, it’s about sharing in the discovery that sometimes, true bravery is manifested in the quiet decision to embrace our core, our home, our truth. It’s about acknowledging that while the world is vast and filled with possibilities, our inner world holds depths yet to be explored.

So, as you reflect on Froggy’s return to his well, consider what your ‘well’ represents in your life. What does braving your story mean to you? How can you embrace both the journeys outward to new experiences and the journey inward to personal truth and peace?

Froggy’s tale is a shared narrative, a collective reflection on the essence of living authentically. It’s an invitation to converse, to question, and to explore—not just the world around us, but the landscapes within us.

Let's continue this conversation. What parts of your story are you braving today? What insights can we share as we navigate our paths, not just as solitary travelers, but as companions on a journey of continuous discovery and embracing of our narratives?

Brave Your Story

As you reflect on Froggy’s journey and the paths he has taken, remember that each of us has our own story brimming with potential and waiting to be bravely told. If Froggy’s leap into the unknown resonates with you, if you feel a stirring within to explore your inner landscapes and discover the depths of your own well, I invite you to reach out. Let’s embark on this journey together, where you can uncover and brave your own story, finding joy and authenticity in being truly yourself. Connect with me, share your story, and let’s explore how you can live your life with courage and conviction. Don't let your story remain untold—contact me today, and together, we will brave your story, one leap at a time.


The Uncharted