5 Step Brave Reflective Listening Technique - Embracing the Tranquillity of Reflective Listening

Are we listening from understanding or to understand? Reflective Listening is an active process of deep inner work to listen to the layers within the conversation.
— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS

Listening in like the Tranquility of a Garden

In the tranquil setting of a garden, where willow branches sway gracefully over serene ponds and stone paths invite quiet contemplation, the art of reflective listening finds a perfect metaphor. Just as the garden's designed harmony reflects the meticulous care of its creator, reflective listening mirrors the thoughts and emotions of the speaker, allowing deeper understanding and connection. The metaphor of the tranquil garden is an example of what reflective listening can do to enhance our situational awareness and deepen our insights. The powerful co-creative coaching technique of Brave Reflective Listening, demonstrates the 5 simple steps in enabling leaders and coaches to listen deeper, which embodies the principle of listening to understand, rather than to be understood. It’s not about trying to judge what’s right or wrong but it’s about improving the quality of our listening ability. Listening is a patient process that requires practice and continuous learning and improvement.

Brave Reflective Listening Technique Coaching and Leadership

How was the 5 Step Brave Reflective Listening Developed

The 5-Step Brave Reflective Listening technique was developed by me when I recognised a common challenge in communication: too often, individuals prepare responses or anticipate outcomes without fully listening to the speaker. This insight led to the creation of a structured listening approach that emphasizes true understanding and mutual dialogue. The foundation of this method is the concept of co-creation, a collaborative interaction where both speaker and listener work together to explore and build understanding. This approach is integral to the philosophy of "Brave Your Story, BYS" a movement aimed at empowering individuals to share their unique narratives in a setting that fosters authenticity and empathy.

This reflective listening technique was designed specifically to aid leaders and coaches who need to foster deep connections, whether in coaching sessions or everyday leadership scenarios. By implementing these five simple steps—Listen Actively, Reflect Back, Check for Accuracy, Respond Appropriately, and Encourage Continuation—leaders and coaches can enhance their ability to listen genuinely and respond effectively. The technique not only improves interpersonal communication but also helps in building trust and facilitating transformative conversations, ultimately leading to more effective leadership and coaching outcomes.


Reflective Listening Jedi
Listen, truly listen, and the silence between words will speak the language of the soul.
— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS

The Philosophy of Reflective Listening

Reflective listening, much like observing a landscape painting, requires a focus that extends beyond the surface to appreciate the depth of the experience. The listener, akin to a painter, observes and interprets the scene—the speaker's words and emotions—with the intent to understand and reflect the landscape of their thoughts accurately and empathetically. Also, to notice the various nuance of the landscape somethings things unseen, unheard, unspoken and unravelling the map of the world of the client.

This technique is not merely a method but a philosophy and approach that transforms conversations into opportunities for progress, growth and connection. It draws from the stories and metaphors of Asian culture to deepen the understanding of how deep listening can happen for the leader or coach. One critical element in listening is the ability to find harmony in the listening of the context and content of the client. Just like a tapestry, the intricate patterns of the client’s world is being woven in such a harmonious manner that it takes the skilled observer to appreciate and understand the stories beneath.

Understanding Reflective Listening

Normal Listening vs. Reflective Listening

  • Normal Listening Often involves hearing words and forming a response based on one's own perspective, sometimes leading to misunderstandings or superficial engagement. Usually its linear it is response.

  • Reflective Listening Focuses on understanding the speaker's message from their point of view. It requires the listener to reflect thoughts and emotions expressed by the speaker, promoting deeper understanding and empathy. Multi-dimensional approach to the whole of person.

Defining Brave Reflective Listening

Brave Reflective Listening is a step beyond traditional reflective listening techniques, advocating for a courageous approach to embrace and reflect the underlying emotions and challenges conveyed by the speaker. It involves delving into the unspoken feelings and providing a space where difficult conversations can lead to transformative outcomes. Being Brave is a state of being which enables use to see, hear and feel through the layers of what is being conversed.

Why Brave Reflective Listening Benefits Coaches and Leaders

For coaches and leaders, Brave Reflective Listening serves as an invaluable tool. It enhances interpersonal relationships, fosters trust, and leads to more effective communication. Leaders who practice this form of listening are better equipped to resolve conflicts, inspire their teams, and drive meaningful changes within their organizations.

The Five Steps of Brave Reflective Listening

Developed to guide effective communication, each step serves a strategic purpose:

  1. Listen Actively - The posture of listening is one that is in action, active and involved rather than passive and stale. Focuses on fully immersing in the speaker's world, crucial for building a connection.

  2. Reflect Back - Ensures the listener's understanding aligns with the speaker's intention, avoiding assumptions. Consider reflecting also the energy of the conversation where appropriate.

  3. Check for Accuracy - Allows clarification and adjustment, enhancing the accuracy of communication.

  4. Respond Appropriately - Moves the conversation forward based on accurate understanding, facilitating deeper engagement.

  5. Encourage Continuation - Keeps the dialogue open and ongoing, crucial for ongoing developmental interactions.


5 Steps of Brave Reflective Listening Technique Co-Creative Coaching with Jedidiah Alex Koh

Deep Dive into The Five Steps of Brave Reflective Listening

1. Listen Actively. Active listening is the foundational step in Brave Reflective Listening. It requires full engagement with the speaker, not just passively hearing the words but also paying attention to non-verbal cues such as tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. Active listening means being present without distraction, creating a supportive environment where the speaker feels genuinely heard. It involves suspending your own thoughts and judgments to truly understand the speaker's perspective.

2. Reflect Back. Once the speaker has communicated their thoughts, the listener reflects the information back to the speaker. This doesn't mean parroting the exact words; instead, it involves paraphrasing or summarizing what was said to capture the essence of the message. This step is crucial as it shows the speaker that their message has been received and processed thoughtfully. It also allows the listener to confirm their understanding and gives the speaker the opportunity to correct any discrepancies in the listener's interpretation.

3. Check for Accuracy. After reflecting the speaker's message, the listener seeks confirmation that their interpretation is correct. This might involve asking questions like, “Did I understand that right?” or “Is there more you want to add?” This step is vital for ensuring that no misinterpretations or assumptions have clouded the listener's understanding. It also empowers the speaker to clarify their thoughts and expand on their message, enhancing the depth of the conversation.

4. Respond Appropriately. With a clear and confirmed understanding of the speaker's message, the listener can then respond appropriately. This response should be informed by the insights gained through the reflective listening process and can include further inquiries, expressions of empathy, or sharing related experiences. The key here is that the response is relevant and supportive, based on a genuine understanding of the speaker's needs and emotions, fostering a deeper connection and trust.

5. Encourage Continuation. The final step is to encourage ongoing dialogue. This shows the speaker that the listener is still engaged and interested in hearing more. Techniques can include verbal encouragements like, “Tell me more about that,” or non-verbal cues such as nodding and maintaining eye contact. This step is crucial for keeping the communication flow open, allowing for comprehensive exploration of the topic, and facilitating continuous personal or professional growth.

Integrating Brave Reflective Listening into Organizational Culture

Leaders can incorporate the 5-Step Brave Reflective Listening into their organizational culture by promoting it as a standard practice during meetings, evaluations, and in daily interactions. By modeling this behavior, leaders set a precedent for communication that prioritizes understanding and collaboration. When teams see their leaders consistently applying these steps, they are more likely to adopt this effective communication style themselves. This can lead to a more empathetic workplace where team members feel valued and understood, significantly enhancing employee engagement and reducing conflicts.

Enhancing Team Dynamics

In team settings, Brave Reflective Listening can transform the dynamics between team members. Leaders and coaches can use these steps during team meetings to ensure that every member’s ideas and concerns are heard and addressed. This practice helps in building a supportive team environment where members are encouraged to share openly and listen to each other actively. Such an environment not only fosters creative problem-solving and innovation but also strengthens the bonds between team members, making the team more cohesive and aligned with organizational goals.

Improving Leadership and Coaching Practices

For leaders and coaches, the 5-Step Brave Reflective Listening technique is an invaluable tool for personal development and client engagement. By using this approach, coaches and leaders demonstrate a commitment to understanding and addressing the needs of their clients or subordinates precisely. This method is particularly effective in coaching sessions where the goal is to guide clients or team members through personal or professional challenges. Reflective listening allows coaches and leaders to build trust, uncover deeper issues, and facilitate breakthroughs, ultimately leading to more effective leadership and successful coaching outcomes.

Strategic Implementation in Leadership Training

Organizations can also integrate Brave Reflective Listening into their leadership training programs. Training future leaders to use these listening steps can equip them with essential skills needed for effective leadership, such as empathy, patience, and clear communication. Additionally, these listening techniques can be part of performance management strategies where leaders learn to provide feedback that is constructive and supportive, rather than critical and directive. 

Reflecting like a Mirror Coaching Through the Lens

Reflective Learning

Reflective listening is a dynamic and powerful coaching technique that enhances communication and fosters genuine understanding. It is a skill that, much like the cultivation of a beautiful garden or the creation of a reflective painting, requires patience, care, and genuine engagement. By adopting Brave Reflective Listening, coaches and individuals alike can transform their interactions into opportunities for growth and understanding, making every conversation a pathway to deeper connections and enriched perspectives. Use the following reflective questions to help you dive deeper into your understanding of reflective listening.

  1. Self-Reflection on Listening Habits

    • How often do you find yourself formulating a response while someone is still speaking? What impact might this have on your understanding of their message?

  2. Assessing Listening Impact

    • Reflect on a recent conversation where you applied or failed to apply reflective listening. How did your approach affect the outcome of that interaction?

  3. Improvement and Application

    • What specific actions can you take to improve your listening skills based on the 5-Step Brave Reflective Listening technique?

  4. Challenges in Listening

    • What are some challenges you face when trying to listen actively in your professional interactions? How can you overcome these challenges?

  5. Empathy and Understanding

    • How might increasing your capacity for empathy through reflective listening change your approach to leadership or coaching?

  6. Feedback and Growth

    • How can you use reflective listening to provide more effective feedback to your team members or clients?

  7. Cultural Implementation

    • In what ways can you promote a culture of reflective listening within your team or organization? What benefits do you anticipate from such a change?

  8. Long-Term Benefits

    • Consider the long-term benefits of mastering Brave Reflective Listening. How might it affect your relationships, both professional and personal?

  9. Learning from Mistakes

    • Can you think of a situation where poor listening led to a misunderstanding or conflict? How could Brave Reflective Listening have altered the outcome?

  10. Leadership Coaching Styles

    • How does reflective listening align with your leadership or coaching style? Could it enhance your effectiveness as a leader or coach?

In the stillness of listening, words find their home, echoing the truth that lies beneath the surface.
— Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, BYS

 Copyright Notice

The 5 Step BRAVE Reflective Technique Model is part of Brave Your Story the Experience, including all associated materials, methodologies, and concepts, is the intellectual property of Jedidiah ‘Jedi’ Alex Koh, first established in 2018, and last updated in 2024. All rights are reserved. The contents of the 5 Step BRAVE Reflective Technique are legally protected by copyright under Singapore and International copyright laws. Unauthorized use, duplication, distribution, or modification of this material, whether partial or whole, without express written consent from Jedidiah Alex Koh is strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal action. Only authorised and accredited Brave Practitioners and Trainers are permitted to use the 5 Step BRAVE Reflective Technique to support their clients.

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Brave Your Story the experience is more than just coaching, its an experience to be experienced, each conversation and design is co-created with the intention to allow you to gain a deeper level of awareness of self and find greater alignment to Brave Your Story.

Contact us today to discover how the Brave Your Story can make a difference in your personal and professional lives. The Courage to be Brave begins with a coaching conversation.



The BRAVE Whole of Person Approach: A New Frontier in Coaching